The law of supply and demand defines the effect that the availability of a particular product and the desire (or demand) for that product has on price. Generally, if there is a low supply and a high demand, the price will be high. In contrast, the greater the supply and the lower the demand, the lower the price will be.
So, the situation here in Malaysia as below by my observation:
1) Supply Low- Demand Low. 70-80s, running not really popular in Malaysia yet, so the price that time are about RM10-30. Price Acceptable
2) Supply Low- Demand High. 90-00s, the demand of running event are increasing cause the price increase. RM40-RM50, High Price
3) Supply High - Demand High. Nowsday(2013-201x) This is the situation now in Malaysia. Every weeks, there a few event happened in Malaysia, so, logically the price should be lower since so many events in the market. But, in reality the price still sky HIGH. Why? It out of my mind, who can answer me??
4) Supply High - Demand Low. Near Future, the supply will be oversupply and in the mean time demand will lower. This is may cause by runners are frustrated with the unreasonable sky high price. They may swift to LSD themselves with group members better than spend money for running an event.
So, as an organizer is time to think about it. You are promoting or Killing this healthy sport ???
Well written. In-deed, it getting expensive. I only select some that are interested me. BTW, didnt aware that you have a blog.